
84 Brentwood Rd. RM1 2EL , Cocoa’s Salon

Phone Number

+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210



Working Hours

Monday - Friday 10AM-6PM
Saturday 10 AM- 4PM



CLEANSER Strong 9% does not contain SLS. Suitable for oily, mixed, impure and acne skin. It gently removes excess sebum and impurities causing no alteration to the hydro-lipid film.

Benefits: It helps to normalize the excessive dryness and thickening of the skin, eliminates the accumulation of cellular debris, and has antiseptic properties.

Active ingredients:

AHAs restore a physiological epidermal cell turnover, prevent the formation of comedones and help to remove blackheads.

Azelaic Acid balances sebum, combats micro-comedones and counteracts hyperpigmentation resulting from inflamed acne.

Salicylic Acid eliminates blackheads, has sanitizing action.

Biomine Complex has regulatory properties, prevents both excessive dryness and excessive oiliness.

Trealix (based on Trehalose) preserves and restores the natural skin barrier, avoiding skin dehydration and ensuring smooth and soft skin.

Marigold + Witch Hazel have soothing, sanitizing and decongestants properties.

Net Content – 150 ml


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