
84 Brentwood Rd. RM1 2EL , Cocoa’s Salon

Phone Number

+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210



Working Hours

Monday - Friday 10AM-6PM
Saturday 10 AM- 4PM



Defend C contains Vit C (up to 25%) that ensures an optimal supply of vitamin C to the skin. It is supplemented with vitamin E, carnosine malatonin and hyaluronic acid to effectively fight free radicals and glycation of collagen to promote regenerative processes. It is also indicated for the treatment of inflamed, irritated, weakened and hyperpigmented skin.

Benefits: it is complete protection against free radical damage; promotes healing and regenerative processes, reduces skin inflammation; improves microcirculation; prevents and counteracts skin hyperpigmentation.

Active Ingredients:

• Vit C is important antioxidant. It strengthens cells immune system, promotes cell renewal processes, functions as an important cofactor in collagen production and fights skin inflammation.

• Hyaluronic Acid has strong rehydrating properties; helps reinforce the skin barrier enabling it to combat harsh external aggressions, and promotes the regenerative mechanisms of the epidermis.

Melatonin protects cells from damage caused by UV rays, improves the turnover of collagen, helps maintain homeostasis on a proper level.

Carnosine + Marianum stops oxidative damage and counteract the formation of protein cross-links.

Vit E intense biological antioxidant forming a part of the endogenous antioxidant system.

Net Content –2 x 9 ml


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