
Homeo-Gen is a delicate cream designed for dry, sensitized skin with couperose. It works to normalise the skin and strengthens capillary walls by increasing the skin’s resistance to harmful external aggressions. The cream decreases the skin’s sensitivity to temperature jumps. Moreover, it helps the skin regain its optimal and longlasting level of moisture and facilitates skin barrier restoration.

Benefits: the skin becomes smooth, moisturised and rejuvenated. The skin barrier strengthened, capillaries, vessels and red skin appearance become less visible; the skin’s sensitivity decreased.

Natinuel HOMEO-GEN


Active ingredients:

• Dipeptyde-1 is a biological skin stabilizer which promotes the release of betaendorfines, facilitates the release of neurotransmitters responsible for skin tension.

• Venuceane protects the cell structure from damaging UV light, strengthens the skin integrity and prevents photo-ageing.

• Hydraprotectol-SM provides immediate skin hydration, strengthens the skin’s resistance barrier.

• Phosphatydylocholine increases the level of skin hydration, reinforces the activity of the skin’s barrier and helps the epidermis repair process.

• Melatonin is a potent antioxidant that protects the cells against harmful UV rays.

• Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory action. • Ceramide-3 influences the regulation of water flow, preventing its excessive loss.

• Sunscreen protects against UVA-UVB rays.

Morning and/or Evening use.

Start with a clean face & hands. Scoop out 2ml (a flat soup spoon) of the cream from the jar. Gently spread the cream all over the face and neck, and tap it in. DO NOT RUB the cream IN, just use light moves to spread the cream all over. Avoid the eye area.